Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quick, Easy, and Healthy Week-Night Dinners

I don't know about you, but I'm gone most of the day working hard and earning my pay check. By the time I get home at 7:00 pm I'm tired and hungry and most days am in no mood to start chopping and cooking and messing up the kitchen. So, most of my week-days we have simple to prepare but healthy meals that are cheap but also low in calories. How do I do it???

One way I do it is with Trader Joe's. There are a hand-ful of items I try to keep in the house that, when paired with a salad (also made with Trader Joe's pre-washed greens, baby tomatoes, olives, and other things that don't need a cutting board) make a fantastic meal. Check out the freezer section of Trader Joe's and pick out your own items or try my picks below:

- Gnocci alla Sorrentino (frozen - shown above)
- Flatbread pizzas (frozen)
- Any of the Indian entrees for two (dry goods) paired with frozen naan thrown in the toaster.\

Check out the stir-frys and frozen complete meals for 2 or more. But check the calories per serving and determine what would be realistic for your portion size.